empty nest

9 04 2009

wow…what a hollow feeling….it’s funny …hey who changed the font….this computer has a mind of it’s own…sometimes i think the house is ghosted…i hate to say haunted cause haunted means evil… no i think ghosted is what it is…probably my mother ….she always tries to class me up….we ll anyway as i was saying before i was so rudely ghosted…it’s funny…we raise our kids to be independent…to make a life for themselves……our house is going through the very scenario….all at once….we have a house of six kids and two adults….well they aren’t kids anymore….hell my oldest…Natalie has been gone to Vermont for years…it is her home…my son is local…he’s the cable guy…not to be confused with larry…Collin is funny and all…just skinnier….and now my baby wants to join the Navy….my daughter Gretchen in the service of her country…i am so proud…and missing them all…now Sher’s two boys are heading west….suddenly our crowded house is not so crowded….. yup me , sher, morgan,and the dogs…

     and my job…..i have worked all my life to be the best…and to a company like magna that means nothing…to them it is the money….blind, and stupid…New Process Gear has been in buisness for over 100 years…see the post  (http://www.iplayerhd.com/player/f69ec4fa-c7fa-44c7-a99d-f029942fdf38.aspx)  we were told….wtf   where did the purple come from?….thanks mom…nice touch….well anyway…we were told that we don’t know what we were doing…so for the good of the company we are going to be closed….  i will be unemployed by the company that promiced me a future…well FUCK YOU magna….i am sick and tired of greg and bob and that rutker a-hole telling me how sorry they are….come on over to my house…meet my family …eat my food and then tell me you are sorry…know me first….i am more than a number…

   so…lets re cap…the kids are leaving….my job is about to disapear…the prime of my life…is more like the most trying times i will ever see…hey Obama are you listening??? send some of that AIG money my way …i would definatly spend it better…and magna…come meet me …know me …make it personal… love to the kids….  and let them go….a caged bird is only entertaining to those who look in…to the bird …life sucks…